- This article will show the process to install Houston UI for Rocky Linux.
- Rocky Linux
- 45Drives Repository configured
- ZFS installed if utilizing the cockpit-zfs-manager module
Updating Rocky Linux
- First, we’ll upgrade our existing Rocky Linux installation.
[root@rocky-45d ~]# dnf update -y
Installing prerequisite packages
We’ll require the epel-release package for some package dependencies.
[root@rocky-45d ~]# dnf install epel-release
Setting SELinux to Permissive
- We’ll have to set SELinux to permissive.
[root@rocky-45d ~]# sed -i 's/^\(SELINUX=\).*$/\1permissive/' /etc/selinux/config && setenforce 0
Installing Houston UI and modules
- Now, we can install Houston UI and any modules it has.
[root@rocky-45d ~]# dnf install -y cockpit cockpit-pcp cockpit-zfs-manager cockpit-benchmark cockpit-navigator cockpit-file-sharing cockpit-45drives-hardware cockpit-machines cockpit-sosreport
If installing the cockpit-zfs-manager module, you will also have to install ZFS seperately.
Configuring Firewall
- Next, we’ll have to open the firewall port for access to Houston UI.
[root@rocky-45d ~]# firewall-cmd --add-service=cockpit --permanent; firewall-cmd --reload
Enabling Cockpit systemd service
- Now, we’ll enable and start the cockpit systemd service.
[root@rocky-45d ~]# systemctl enable --now cockpit.socket
- We can access Houston UI at https://SERVER-IP:9090.
- Ensure you have configured 45Drives repositories so you are able to download 45Drives packages.
Further Reading
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