- This article describes the process to connect a samba share to Nextcloud.
- Samba Share configured
- Nextcloud configured
- Internet Access
Installing smbclient package
apt install smbclient
yum install smbclient
Connecting SMB share to Nextcloud
- Go to https://SERVER-IP/nextcloud. Go to “Apps”, find “External Storage”, Click “Enable”.
- Go to “Settings>>Admininstration>>External Storage”
- Fill in required information, i.e. Name, SMB, IP, Path and samba login information. Click the check mark to connect.
- Name: What you want the share / folder name to appear within NextCloud
- External storage: SMB /CIFS
- Authentication: Username and password
- Configuration
- Host: IP or hostname of server
- Share: Name of share (NOT PATH TO SHARE, JUST THE NAME)
- Remote subfolder:
- Domain:
- Username & Password: SMB credentials to access the Share
- To verify the permissions are working correctly create a file on the nextcloud side. Access the server terminal check the permissions using ls -al. Make sure you are able to delete/edit in Nextcloud.
- Note that whichever user is used to map the SMB share into Nextcloud will also be the owner user/group of the files if the SMB share is accessed locally.
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