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KB450292 – Enabling Network Discovery of Samba Shares with WSD Service

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  • KB450292 – Enabling Network Discovery of Samba Shares with WSD Service


  • This article will show how to enable reliable network discovery of samba shares with the WSD service. This service works with standalone samba servers as well as CTDB.


  • Samba shares preconfigured
  • Windows DNS record that points to samba/ctdb server, in the example that host-name is LABSAMBACLUSTER


  • Install wsdd service on your system.
[root@centos-45drives ~]# yum install wsdd
root@ubuntu-server:~# echo deb https://pkg.ltec.ch/public/ focal main > /etc/apt/sources.list.d/wsdd.list
root@ubuntu-server:~# apt-key adv --fetch-keys https://pkg.ltec.ch/public/conf/ltec-ag.gpg.key
root@ubuntu-server:~# apt-get update && apt-get install wsdd
  • Open firewalld ports.
[root@centos-45drives ~]# firewall-cmd --permanent --add-port=3702/udp && firewall-cmd --permanent --add-port=5357/tcp && firewall-cmd --reload
root@ubuntu-server:~# firewall-cmd --permanent --add-port=3702/udp && firewall-cmd --permanent --add-port=5357/tcp && firewall-cmd --reload
  • Edit wssd config file. If in a CTDB environment do this on every node.
  •  LABSAMBACLUSTER is the name that will show up in the “Network Neighbourhood” this needs to match the DNS record created already.
[root@centos-45drives ~]# echo "OPTIONS="-4 -n LABSAMBACLUSTER"" > /etc/sysconfig/wsdd
  • Restart wsdd service. If in a CTDB environment do this on every node.
[root@centos-45drives ~]# systemctl restart wsdd
root@ubuntu-server:~# systemctl restart wsdd
  • Verify you can reach your shares through the network neighborhood

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