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KB450285 – Managing Firewall in Houston UI

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  • This article will cover managing Firewall in Houston UI


  • Access to Houston UI
  • Firewalld installed and configured


  • In the networking tab, we can see the firewall is currently enabled. We can turn it off completely by clicking the button next to it.

  • Next, we can select the Edit rules and zones button to configure rules for our firewall.
  • We can select Add services to add a new rule.

  • Here we can select from some common services, or add a custom port instead. Here I’ve selected the samba-client service.

  • Here we can see the samba-client service has been added to our firewall.


  • Verify the firewall rules have been added via the UI, or by running “firewall-cmd –list-all” in the terminal.
root@ubuntu-45d:~# firewall-cmd --list-all


  • Ensure that firewalld has been installed and configured correctly.
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