Due to a library incompatibility with the new CentOS update please follow the below steps to install the Rocket 750 Driver:
Download and Unzip:
wget http://images.45drives.com/r750drivers/Linux/R750_v1.2.7_linux.tar.gz
tar -xvzf R750_v1.2.7_linux.tar.gz
Make the following file:
vim fixcompissue.sh
Enter the following in the text file:
echo “This script tried to declare driver license from Proprietary to GPL to avoid compliation issue as RHEL 7.6 changed the API referred to GPL only.”
if [ -d /usr/share/hptdrv ]; then
find /usr/share/hptdrv -name osm_linux.c | while read line; do
sed -i.bak /MODULE_LICENSE/s/Proprietary/GPL/ $line
echo “$line [Changed]”
echo “License replacement has been completed. Please restart system to check the driver loading status.”
Make the file executable:
chmod +x fixcompissue.sh
Run the following:
Upon reboot all the drives should be in the system with the driver installed without issues.