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KB450458 – Managing CephFS with Ceph Dashboard

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  • This article will show how to view CephFS information, Ceph Pools configured, and directories created within CephFS.


  • Ceph Dashboard configured.
  • CephFS Pool configured.


Viewing CephFS Information

  • First, we’ll have to navigate to the Filesystem tab within the Ceph Dashboard.

  • From here we can take a look at pools that are configured to use CephFS, how much storage is available within them, and some other good to know information.

Viewing CephFS Clients

  • If we are to go to the Clients tab, we can see all of our CephFS clients, whether they are mounting via kernel or userspace (ceph-fuse).
  • If need be, we can also evict our CephFS clients from here.

Viewing CephFS Directories

  • If we are to go to the Directories tab, we can view our CephFS directories and see some information on each.
  • From here, we can also configure CephFS quotas on each directory, and view any CephFS snapshots if there is any created for the directories.

Configuring CephFS Quotas

  • Here we can see we’ve set a quota for a max of 10 files, as well as max size of 1 TiB.

Creating CephFS Snapshots

  • Here we can see we’ve created 1 CephFS snapshot on this directory.


  • We can see our CephFS clients, directories, set quotas, and create snapshots on our CephFS directories.


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