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KB450153 – How to fix the FreeNAS update boot loop with mirrored boot drives

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  • KB450153 – How to fix the FreeNAS update boot loop with mirrored boot drives
  1. When the unit is restarting, Press F11 to get into the boot menu.

  1. Select the second drive to boot from and allow the unit to boot into FreeNAS.

  1. When the FreeNAS options appear, type the number 9 to enter the Shell.

  1. Type the following commands to correct the bad partition on the original drive.

gpart recover ada0
gpart modify -i 1 -t freebsd-boot ada0
gpart bootcode -b /boot/pmbr -p /boot/gptzfsboot -i 1 ada0

  1. You can then type the following commands one after the other to to compare that the corrupted partition is corrected.

gpart show /dev/ada0
gpart show /dev/ada1

  1. Type the command “reboot” to reboot your system and FreeNAS should start up without having to enter the boot menu.
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