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KB450030 – Monitoring PSU Statistics using IPMI

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This article details where information/statistics regarding the PSU are stored within the IPMI.


  • IPMI configured on the unit


  • Once Remote Access is set up, enter your IPMI IP address into an internet browser (Firefox or Microsoft Explorer/Edge) to access the IPMI webGUI. You should see the following login page. The default username and password are both ADMIN.
  • Once logged in, you will want to click on the “Server Health” tab shown in the image below, and then “Power Consumption” which will be in the list on the left.
  • You will now be able to see the power consumption statistics of your Storinator as shown below.
  • Clicking on “Power Source” which is located right under “Power Consumption” in the list on the left, gives you information on the two PSU modules.


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