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KB450416 – Replacing Backplane (HDD)

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  • This article will cover how to remove and replace a backplane in a Storinator


  • A Storinator
  • Replacement Backplane
  • Philips Head Screwdriver


  1. Power down the Storinator
  2. Unplug the power cord
  3. Remove the HDD’s in the row you are replacing
  4. Remove the 4 screws on each side of the row holding in the drive cage
  5. Lift the drive cage straight up
  6. Remove all the screws holding the backplane down
  7. Flip the backplane over and unplug the Molex power connectors
  8. Plug the connectors into the new backplane
  9. Replace all parts and screws
  10. Plug the power cord in and power system back on


  • All drives are being picked up by the system and that all drives are fitting flush in the drive cage


  • All connections are fully seated and the Molex wires in the connection are secure
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