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KB450273 – CentOS 7 Houston UI Installation

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  • This article will cover installing Houston UI for CentOS 7.


  • CentOS 7 installed


  • First, we’ll update to the latest packages
[root@centos7-45d ~]# yum update -y
  • Reboot after the update if there is a new kernel.
  • Install epel-release.
[root@centos7-45d ~]# yum install epel-release -y
  • Next, we’ll install the ZFS packages.
[root@centos7-45d ~]# yum install http://download.zfsonlinux.org/epel/zfs-release.el7_9.noarch.rpm
[root@centos7-45d ~]# yum install -y kernel-devel zfs
[root@centos7-45d ~]# echo zfs > /etc/modules-load.d/zfs.conf
[root@centos7-45d ~]# modprobe zfs
  • Reboot to ensure ZFS loads correctly on startup.
  • Set SELinux to permissive.
[root@centos7-45 ~]# setenforce 0
  • To keep the permissive setting after reboot.
[root@centos7-45d ~]# sed -i 's/^\(SELINUX=\).*$/\1permissive/' /etc/selinux/config
  • Pull down the 45drives Repository.
[root@centos7-45d ~]# curl -sSL https://repo.45drives.com/setup | sudo bash
  • Install the following packages.
[root@centos7-45d ~]# yum install -y cockpit cockpit-pcp 45drives-tools
  • Enable the cockpit socket.
[root@centos7-45d ~]# systemctl enable --now cockpit.socket
  • Add a firewall rule for cockpit.
[root@centos7-45d ~]# firewall-cmd --permanent --add-port=9090/tcp; firewall-cmd --reload
  • Install Houston UI modules.
[root@centos7-45d ~]# yum install -y cockpit-zfs-manager cockpit-45drives-hardware cockpit-file-sharing cockpit-navigator cockpit-benchmark cockpit-storaged
  • Now, run dmap  to update the drive aliasing,. It should clearly display the installed drives in each slot and their identifiers using lsdev.

[root@centos7-45d ~]# dmap


  • Now you can run “lsdev”.

[root@centos7-45d ~]# lsdev


  • Houston should now be installed and reachable at serverip:9090 in any web browser.



  • If Houston is inaccessible, ensure cockpit is running, then restart the service.
systemctl status cockpit
systemctl restart cockpit
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