Table of Contents
How to repair a CentOS installation that is stuck booting into GRUB.
- A unit that is unable to properly boot into CentOS
- Access to the IPMI management port on the 45 Drives unit
- Java installed for ISO mounting
- ISO for the matching version of CentOS 7 downloaded
- Open the Java IPMI management tool from the IPMI web GUI
- Click “Virtual Media”, followed by “Virtual Storage”.
- Select the drive type. In this case, ISO, and navigate to the file
- Click “Plug In” then “OK”
- Reboot the unit using “Power Control” and “Set Power Reset”. When the unit is reboot, hammer the F11 key until the boot menu appears.
- Select ATEN Virtual CDROM YSOJ
- Select Troubleshooting, then Rescue a CentOS System
- This will boot the unit into Anaconda Recovery mode. From here, we can repair the OS installation.
- Enter 1 to continue
- Press enter to engage the shell, then input “chroot /mnt/sysimage” to enter bash.
- From here, we can use lsblk to identify which drives are being used as our boot drives. In this case, it’s sda and sdb
- Next step is to re-write the MBR of the boot devices using grub2install. If you have redundant boot drives, you will have to repeat this step for both devices.
- Navigate to /boot/grub2 and check the directory. Grub.cfg should be present.
- From here, we’ll need to generate a new grub.cfg file using the following command:
grub2-mkconfig -o /boot/grub2/grub.cfg
- Exit from chroot and reboot the system using init 6 in the shell.
- Boot into the OS and ensure it will properly post.
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