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KB450204 – IPMI user configuration using ipmitool

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To set up a user with ADMIN rights:

[root@45drives]# ipmitool user set name 2 admin
[root@45drives]# ipmitool user set password 2
Password for user 2: 
Password for user 2: 
[root@45drives]# ipmitool channel setaccess 1 2 link=on ipmi=on callin=on privilege=4
[root@45drives]# ipmitool user enable 2

To set up a user with USER rights:

[root@sr2500 ~]# ipmitool user set name 3 monitor
[root@sr2500 ~]# ipmitool user set password 3
Password for user 3: 
Password for user 3: 
[root@sr2500 ~]# ipmitool channel setaccess 1 3 link=on ipmi=on callin=on privilege=2
[root@sr2500 ~]# ipmitool user enable 3
[root@sr2500 ~]# ipmitool channel getaccess 1 3
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