How to Install the Highpoint WebGUI on FreeNAS via USB
- After system booted, type 9 to enter the shell.
- Plug in USB drive containing Highpoint WebGUI
- Find which device is your USB.
- Type:
mount -uw / mount -t msdosfs /dev/da31s1 /mnt (your device name will most likely be different) cd /mnt pkg add hptsvr-https-1.0.3-14.1031.tbz
To view the WebGUI, go to a another computer with a web browser and enter your NAS box IP address followed by the port number 7402.
How to Install the Highpoint WebGUI on FreeNAS via WGET
Download the FreeBSD version of the NON-RAID webgui from:
Extract the downloaded file:
tar -xzf Non_RAID_WebGUI_FreeBSD11.x_v1.0.5_17_06_29.tgz
Install the package with:
pkg add hptsvr-1.0.5-amd64.txz
Reboot the system
It can then be accessed at http://<machine.ip.address>:7402 ( eg: )
- Default username is: RAID ( all capitals )
- Default password: hpt ( all lowercase )
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